
6th Grade
Well, we made it!  I can honestly say we completed everything we set out to do and then some. The 6th grade grew so much socially, emotionally, and academically.  They are an amazing group of students that kept me sharp and engaged.  Teaching them was a true blessing. Enjoy the end of year photos that...
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What a time we have been enjoying in 6th grade! We have been studying important people in our world, both women and men, and students have been doing research and presenting in front of the class.   We have concluded with partner research teams, with presentations wrapping up this week. We are concluding our Science unit...
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I LOVE TAKING PHOTOS TO TELL A STORY! We have been busy in 6th Grade! From the Spring play, where 20 6th graders were involved, to the Spring Auction, we have been flexible and dedicated! We finished up a our Middle Ages unit and are getting into influential people in history.  We are working on...
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  What a great past few weeks we have had!  Catholic Schools week gave us many activities to keep us learning, while still having fun! Our Unit on Rome has been interesting!  With such a fascinating time period, it is no wonder that swords ( pretend of course) were part of the props needed when...
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They say a picture is worth a thousand words…well here we are!  So much has happened in 6th grade!  From our experiments in the Science Lab to our Field trip to the Museum to our Consumer Fair testing and Science review via Gimkit!  We have been busy learning so very much! Don’t forget to send...
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We have been very busy in 6th grade!   From reading about restaurants to our Menu project to our Consumer Fair project, we are working to connect all our of our work! Literature:   We have been reading stories about relationships between animals and humans.   Student have been assigned a descriptive writing essay to create their own...
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A Picture can speak a thousand words!  Enjoy the story of our adventures in our photos. We LOVE going to the Science Lab.  Thank you to Mrs. Ludden for giving us her time and expertise in our experiment time! We have been doing small group work to help us understand the idea of working with...
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We have been loving the Science Lab with Mrs. Ludden!   Once a week, we get a treat of Science activity.  Students have been learning about the the layers of the Earth, the Spheres of the Earth, and how they all interact. We are more than half way through our 100 Word to Know List!   Remember...
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We have been busy in 6th Grade! Grammar :  Our 100 Word list should keep us busy almost every night!   We want to “know” these words to help expand our vocabulary knowledge.  We are also working on grammar elements of a sentence. Literature:  We are deep into “Journey To the Center of the Earth”!   This...
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