
Our new month began with our letter of the week octopus creation and beautiful sunny weather.  We were so thankful to enjoy this great recess weather all week long!  It looks like the groundhog may have been right:)  Our Jolly Phonics song was all about Oliver turning the light on and off.  During ECLIP, we...
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  Catholic Schools Week was the best.  We started our week with Family Mass and Open House.  Thanks to all of our current Preschool families and to the new families for visiting.  It was so nice to see everyone exploring our classroom and seeing all that we have done.  Monday we wore our favorite jersey...
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What a fantastic Catholic Schools week this has been!  We wore our favorite sports jerseys, we donated soup to our parish food pantry, we celebrated our teachers and students and ended the week with our annual St. Cletus School tradition, the Red and White Game!  This week really opened our eyes for us to see...
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It’s hard to believe we started the second semester of school!  We are half-way through our school year.  So much learning and fun have taken place and yet there is still so much more ahead for us.  During the second semester we will begin to practice writing our names, count to 20, identify numbers through...
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January has been a busy month and is going to end with such an amazing week, Catholic Schools Week!  On Sunday we invite everyone to attend our 10:30 Mass and come visit our open house after.  While you are here we ask that you come visit your child’s classroom so see some of the fun...
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  Our theme this week was winter and snow!  The weather certainly supported our theme:)  Still, our three-day week was a busy one.  Our snowman show-and-tell was the highlight of the week.  The snowmen and snowwomen were even more creative than our disguised turkeys!  It was amazing to see the growth in students’ speaking ability...
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Welcome 2024!  Our first week back flew by.  We spent time reviewing our PBIS rules and routines this week. I was proud of how all the kiddos adjusted to being back to school.   While we reviewed our past letters, we also introduced our new letter of the week-Kk.  We created a kicking Kk and reviewed...
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This week was all about Christmas and our Preschool Christmas Program.  Thank you for coming to see all of our hard work come together.  We hope you enjoyed the show.  I am super proud of all the Preschool Kiddos for their performance!  What a great day and a great way to start the holidays:) I...
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Our week began with a visit from the Grinch!  What a crazy grinchy way to start the school week.  He left us ribbon, wrapping and bows.  Even a few of his Grinchy feathers were left behind:)  He shared a photo of himself while he created his mischief.  Can you believe he was standing on the...
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