Looking Back…
*This week we learned all about community helpers. We read a lot of books about different helpers and what their roles are in our community. Our drawing this week was a picture of what we would like to be when we grow up. These will have a special place in our Memory Books! During Morning Meeting, we used our pocket chart to match community helpers with their places of work as we talked about what job each helper does in the community.
*God gave us flowers! We have been watering our flower seeds each day and keeping them in the sunlight! We made our own flowers using toilet paper tubes. Our beautiful garden is hanging up in our classroom. Using our five senses outdoors was the best part of our week.
*Letter “Yy” was our focus this week. Jolly Phonics had us singing all about eating yummy yellow yogurt. Our craftivity was a “Yelling Y” that yelled many things. We took turns sharing what our “Y” was yelling! Some were roaring and some were singing opera! It was lots of fun to pretend yell with our big-mouth letters:) We worked with our alphabet pieces to create letters and practice writing them. Next week we will focus on our last letter and spend the rest of the month reviewing letter names, sounds and formation.
*All of the kids have been really excited to begin work on our special projects to celebrate Mother’s Day! Lots of surprises are on the way. Thanks to all the Moms for completing the handprint projects! Moms, you’re going to love our secret surprises!
*Congratulations to Alex, our PBIS Winner of the Week, for being such a kind and loving friend to all!
Looking Ahead…
Theme: All About Moms
Literacy: Our last letter-Zz, Alphabet zoo beginning sounds, zoo books
Math: Writing numerals 0-10, counting animal ten frames, animal shapes
Religion: Lesson 23-God Gave Us Trees
*May is here and we will attempt to be outside each day. Please dress for morning weather and don’t forget to wear shoes that can get dirty:)
*Please be sure that you have sent your Mother’s Day handprint project back as we will be starting to work on our special surprise projects on Monday.
Mark Your Calendar…
Monday, May 8-9:30 May Crowning Mass
Tuesday, May 9-8:00 Mass
Monday, May 29-NO SCHOOL-Memorial Day
Sing A Song…