~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Third Grade News~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Religion: This week the class will talk about the ways the Apostles lived with Jesus and how they went out and shared Jesus’ good news with others. Students will recite the January prayer to me on Friday January 14th. Please help you child practice this prayer during the week. Reading: This week the...Read More
Happy 2022! It was great to see everyone back this week! I hope everyone had a chance to relax and recover from the festivities of the Season! This week in 5th Grade: Social Studies: We wrapped up our pre-colonial unit. On Monday we will begin Unit 3 specifically about Colonial Life in North America and...Read More
Looking Back…(It was a short, but BUSY week!) *We welcomed in our New Year with songs and art projects! We added the new year to our calendar and recycled 2021. It was so nice to see all of our friends after our break. We are looking forward to lots of learning, friendship and exporation in...Read More
Happy New Year! We started our short week off with 2022 crowns and a toast with sparkling grape juice! We were so happy to be back with our friends! We jumped right in with the letter O and having letter fun with food! Thank you Cheerios for your creation of hearts and O’s! We worked...Read More
Happy New Year! Winter has arrived and we have lots of fun ahead of us in 2022!All of your kids have grown so much since Christmas, it was so fun to see it! We are starting this new year off with signing our classroom “oath” of classroom rules expectations. We are also staring off with...Read More