Cheers to celebrating our first of many Catholic Schools Weeks as a Dual Language Immersion family! This week was so much fun! We leaned all about the letter Ññ and finished number 15. We will continue with number 16 next week. We are still continuing to work on our letters and vowels! Our students are...Read More
What a great Catholic Schools week! We have had so much fun this week. Thank you to all the families who came out to say “HELLO” on Sunday. Our school is such a great place to learn and grow and we have a LOT of fun doing it:) We have had a BLAST learning all...Read More
Happy Friday Families! Here is a glimpse into our week! . Looking back… *We learned all about Groundhog Day and what a “shadow” is! We even practiced making shadows on one of our stuffed animals. *We introduced the letter Pp and completed number 3 in our number book! *We read books and made Groundhog Day...Read More
Happy Catholic Schools Week! Before we get into what we’ve covered and what we will cover, I just have a couple small reminders: February 5th – Dining for Dollars at the McDonald’s in Countryside. 4-8pm February 7th – No school! Teachers have a professional development day. Summer camp packets will be sent home today. Secure...Read More
Upcoming Events/Mark your calendars: Monday, February 3: Please send in your student’s assigned 100 pieces: 100th day celebration food chart Tuesday, February 4: 8am Mass Tuesday, February 4: 100th day celebration! Wednesday, February 5: Dining for Dollars, McDonald’s in Countryside, 5-7; dine-in and drive-thru! Friday, February 7: No school, archdiocesan professional development day And finally,...Read More