
Cynthia Kasnicka
Good morning, parents! This week is flying by, but we are really moving ahead in Superkids! We are starting Unit 2 on Friday, and are enjoying the different components of this reading program.  We have a visitor from the Superkids program coming in on Friday to see the how far we’ve come.Next week is “Red...
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Good morning, parents!I hope you had a great week! We are nearing the end of it, so I will fill you in on some of the things we did.Superkids is moving along. We just took a Spelling test on “ch.” Next week we will learn the sound “sh.  We are learning about pronouns, and learning...
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Hello Parents!I hope everyone enjoyed the Fall Fest. It was so great to see so many families out and enjoying the beautiful weather.We have been very busy with our Superkids Curriculum. There is so much to do! Children will be bringing home backpack stories to read to you, Spelling words, English sheets, and Phonics work....
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Good afternoon parents! We have completed 2 weeks of school and things are moving along smoothly.  We did our first Science experiment today, and the kids seemed to enjoy checking out the celery. Next week, we will have our Fall Fest here at St. Cletus.  It will be on September 7, 8, 9, and 10....
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Hi Parents:Happy Friday! This week was eventful. We learned about the Sacraments in Religion, and celebrated our weekly Mass with our Bishop. We continue to work on Geometry in Math, and are practicing mastery of our math facts. In Social Studies, we colored a map of the United States and talked about places we have...
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Good morning, parents! Happy New Year!  I hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable break.  Now that we are back, let’s see what January has in store for us. In Math, we are working on “Fact Families.”  We are finishing book 5, and are ready to start working on Geometry.  We are going to skip...
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Happy December, Parents! It’s hard to believe that the Holidays are here. Let’s see what we have been working on in first grade.In Spelling, we are on Unit 13. We’re learning how to spell words with different patterns, and we continue to practice them daily. In handwriting, we are on letter “N.” In Reading, we...
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Hi Parents:As our week is coming to a close, I want to give you a little glimpse of this past week in first grade.We learned how to write the letter “Ii.” We started our third math book in the “Go Math” series. This book is on “Addition Strategies.” The children and I are working very...
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Good afternoon, parents! We have completed week 2 in first grade and are learning alot and having a good time!In Religion, we learned that God has created all of us and given us special gifts. We also went to Mass twice this week.  We are starting to learn the responses in Mass, as well as...
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