
Stacey Firestone
The past two weeks in our classroom we have been learning about advent and the coming of Jesus. The class made advent wreaths, listened to the advent story, and learned about Mary and Joseph and the time leading up to Jesus’ birth.  They have all done such an amazing job retelling the story using our...
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I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and stays warm!  Wasn’t it in the 70’s just last week?  This past week has been full of assessments and thanksgiving projects.  I can’t believe that Christmas is just around the corner.  We have so many fun things planned for the next few weeks, I just hope that...
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What a fun and exciting week we have had!  I can’t believe that November is already here!  Before we know it, it will be time for conferences and Thanksgiving.  Our busy season is quickly approaching.  Make sure to keep an eye on the school calendar as things are being added daily. Here are a few...
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Can you believe that October is just about over?  Where did the time go?  This past week has been jam packed with fun events each day.  We were able to listen to Megan Dagnino read us her latest book; Witch’s Brew, we were able to spend extra time with our 5th grade buddies and we...
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10 more days until Halloween!  The excitement is sure showing in room 107. This past week we started talking about pumpkins and how they grow.  We learned that they start from a tiny seed and sprout off a vine.  We also talked about what is a pumpkin and what is a jack-o-lantern.  Next week we...
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What a busy week we have had and it was only 4 days long!  Last week we talked all about spiders and this week we are wrapping up our unit on bats.  We talked about the differences of spiders vs other insects and how spiders create a web.   We have now completed the first...
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What an exciting first full week of fall this has been!  We began to talk about fiction and nonfiction books this week.  Of course we all enjoyed the fiction leaf books better, but we were able to learn some really interesting facts about leaves!  We focused on the letter “I” and were able to learn...
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Happy Fall Everyone!  Even with it being a short week, we were able to get so much accomplished!  We learned about the letter “T” and the sound it makes.  Our word list took up two pages!  This week our letter poem was about Thomas the Turtle.  Make sure to ask your child to recite it...
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What a jam packed week we have had!  Monday we wore our red, white, and blue for Patriot’s Day.  Tuesday we attended our first weekly all school mass with our buddies.  Wednesday, we were able to enjoy extra play time outside.  Thursday, we visited the library with our 5th grade buddies, and Friday we attended...
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What a busy week we had even with having Monday off.  We learned all about the letter “S” and had fun learning a silly poem about Sam the Slimy Snake.  This week we had our second fire drill of the year and kicked off the 2022-2023 school year with our first PBIS assembly.  Make sure to...
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