Another great week in JK! Lots of learning inside, and we even snuck in outside fun between the rainy days too!Play is a huge part of development at the JK age. We incorporate play into our day through centers, using the playground, free choice and recess! The life skills of negotiating games and playing...Read More
What a great week! We had a blast celebrating Halloween. Thank you to all the moms for coming in and providing such a fun party for the kids! It was so great to see so many of you at the Trunk or Treat too! Lots of fun had by ALL! We welcome NOVEMBER, the...Read More
This month has been full of learning and hands on activities that have been all things Halloween! We had a great time with our 7th Grade buddies this am too! Next week we will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week. We will be focusing on ways to keep our bodies healthy! We will have a different...Read More
Fall has arrived! We are enjoying the cooler weather and the many signs of the Fall season.Now that we have been in school for many weeks now, we hope that you are starting to see some independence from your children at home. Have you noticed your child being more helpful around the house? Maybe emptying...Read More
Happy Friday! I hope everyone has enjoyed the beautiful fall weather week, we sure have!It looks like next week will be on the chilly side so PLEASE make sure your child has a coat. We go outside for recess and the playground each day!A few talking points from the week in JK: Who are your...Read More
Fall is here and we are really enjoying the weather! Wow, we are now 6 weeks into the school year, and seeing lots of friendships being made, and social emotional growth in all of your children. They are finding their own voices, while using manners and treating their friends with respect and kindness. We hope...Read More
Fall is here and we are ready for it! We had a apple-rific week, and lots more apple fun to come next week too! Things to ask your children: Which apple did you like the best green apple (tart), or the Red apple (sweet) ? What is your favorite thing to play on on the...Read More
We hope your Grandfriends and kids enjoyed the special mass.It’s been a fun very fun week in JK! I’m sure you heard the good news, we have a class fish! His name is Bubbles. Your kids have really enjoy having him part of our classroom family:)Questions to ask your children: What color is Bubbles? What...Read More
It was so nice to see you all at Fall Fest last weekend! Next on the list of fun is Grandparents Day Mass next Thursday Sept 19th at 1:15! RSVP to this link: We had another fun week in JK! here are a few questions to ask your children: Did you enjoy making letters...Read More
Fall Fest is upon us and we are EXCITED! We have been getting many sneak peaks at the rides with our walks around the campus. Thank you so much for your patience with the drop off and pick up this week. It will be back to normal next week Tuesday when we are back to...Read More