
Kathy Mullen
  PUMPKINS WERE EVERYWHERE THIS WEEK!  We learned how pumpkins grow and read lots of books about pumpkins, even a square pumpkin named Spookley:)  This square pumpkin taught us the lesson that we are all different and each of us have unique gifts to offer that God has given us.  In this story, Spookley saved...
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  October is here!  Time is flying by and we welcomed our new month with great excitement.  Our Halloween calendar card was the very best part of our morning meeting on Monday.  This week we continued to learn about the new season and the weather changes that are happening.  It was fun to read about...
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Fall was in the air this week and we celebrated our new season all week long!  We read many books about the season, falling leaves and apples.  We painted our fingerprints on apple trees and discussed how God gave each of us unique one of a kind fingerprints.  In our centers, we counted apples and...
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Week 5 was another exciting week filled with lots of  fun-filled learning!  We enjoyed the courtyard everyday and continued to learn all about what respect looks like at recess.  Each day, as we pass our PBIS matrices in the hall, we stop to discuss respect, responsibility and compassion and what it looks like at the...
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What an amazing year we are having!  Week 4 introduced many more new activities.  ECLIP, our Early Childhood Language Intensive Preschool, began this week.  Our teacher, Ms. Sonia Sanchez, is doing a wonderful job teaching this program.   Hopefully, the kids are sharing some of their new Spanish vocabulary at home.   If you have any questions...
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Our week in Preschool was full of many exciting firsts…our first letter, our first lockdown drill, our first new month, our first letter and our first birthday!  Letter Aa was introduced and we made alligators in our first mini-center.  As the month progresses, we will learn to work in our centers on math and literacy...
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Happy September to all the Preschool Families!  Our first full week of school was a huge success.  We continued to practice routines we learned and began to learn new ones.  Building our independence was the focus of our week and what a great job all of the Preschool Kiddos did.  We decorated our first day...
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Welcome to the Preschool 3 Newsletter! Our first week was so much fun!  Even though it was only three days, we were super busy.  We read lots of stories about Pete the Cat, learned and practiced our school day routines, made new friends and painted our first set of Preschool handprints!  The kiddos did an...
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Looking Back at our Year… It’s hard to believe our year together has come to an end!  What an amazing year it has been.  We have laughed and loved and learned.  Our time together has been so special.  Each and every child made such great progress, both academically and socially, and I am so proud. ...
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Looking Back… *The last two weeks have been all about dinosaurs and living things.  We have read lots of books about dinosaurs, both fact and fiction, and about all of God’s creatures.  We have counted dinosaurs and built them homes!  On our walks, we have looked for things that are living and discussed why they...
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