
Violet McCartney
In Religion, we finished the chapter that covers Sacraments. We talked about how we praise and worship God in different ways. We began by briefly defining each Sacrament. Next, we will look more in depth at each. Of course, the heaviest concentration will be on the two Sacraments we will receive this year. We will...
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This week, we finished talking about what is a disciple and listed ways that we can all be a disciple of Jesus. We distinguished between Apostles and disciples. In addition, we talked about the wonderful story of Pentecost. Next week, we will finish talking about Pentecost by creating a stained-glass window (using paper) of the...
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We are getting into the swing of things rather well. The class has learned the rules, expectations and most routines. We’ve been working hard on iReady too. What troopers!!  In Religion, we’ve continued to talk about the Blessed Trinity and read a wonderful book to help understand the Trinity. We took time this past week...
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I am so looking forward to teaching your children this year.  It’ll be so exciting to work with each child and watch as they grow academically, spiritually and socially. The first few weeks of school are an adjustment. So, we spend quite a bit of time on learning/practicing routines, working together in our workbooks, on...
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During Religion this past week, we learned about the structure of the church. We discussed how the Pope is the leader, cardinals, bishops, and pastors. We learned how pastor run a parish and bishops take care of a diocese. We also spent time discovering that though Catholics may have different traditions or ways of doing...
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The last two weeks have been very busy for our second graders. We prepared fully for first Holy Communion reviewing the Mass, practicing how to receive Jesus, and talking about what will happen on First Communion Day. We also spent time practicing for May Crowning Mass, in which the second-grade class has an important role. That...
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We have quite a bit going on in Religion. We’ve been practicing how to receive Holy Communion. We continue to talk about how to go out and serve one another as Jesus did. This coming week, we will also begin practicing for May Crowning. A letter about this Mass went home earlier this week. Please...
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In Religion, we’re wrapping up our study of the Mass. We’ll be reviewing the Mass, practicing how to receive Communion, and learning a special song in the two weeks leading up to Communion. Soon, we will begin to practice for our May Crowning Mass. This Mass is on Monday, May 8, and our Communicants will...
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This week in religion, we learned about anger management in our Second Step program. We practiced some calming techniques, breathing skills, and discussed other ways to calm down. We also continued to look at the second main part of Mass, which is the Liturgy of the Eucharist. We will spend quite a bit of time...
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We will be finishing up our chapter on the first main part of Mass, which is the Liturgy of the Word. We talked about the different parts which make up the Liturgy of the Word. Next week, we’ll begin to talk about the second main part called the Liturgy of the Eucharist.   In Grammar,...
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