
Middle School
Thanks to everyone who attended Parent Teacher Conferences.  If you were unable to attend, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have. Eighth Grade parents should be on the lookout within the next week or two for an agreement to be signed by parents and students pertaining to...
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Greetings Parents, As you know, Trimester 2 is coming to an end.  Please make sure to check Powerschool to see if your child is missing any work.  I’ve been trying to update grades at a furious pace after being severely backed up, and I appreciate your patience and understanding with that. All three levels have...
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Hello! Just a reminder we do not have school on Friday the 17th or Monday the 20th. Last week we had a very fun surprise–the Blackhawk mascot Tommy Hawk came for a pep rally to St Cletus! Syria: Today the eighth grade NJHS hosted a prayer service for the devastating situation in Syria and Turkey....
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I apologize for not e-mailing the link for the 01/27 update.  It had been posted on the school website, but I didn’t realize until it was too late that I had forgot to send it. With the excitement of this weekend’s Super Bowl, I was recently thinking about past Super Bowls games, and one that...
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Happy Catholic Schools Week! Monday the students wore sport tops. Today we celebrated mass with our buddies.A few updates…Tomorrow is dress down spirit wear. Thursday we will have full dress down and get to spend sometime with our buddies. Friday is red/white games–students have been advised which team/colors to wear.Thank you to all that came...
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Greetings, I hope everyone is ready for our upcoming Catholic Schools Week events beginning with Mass and Open House on Sunday! In Language Arts, Eighth Grade and Seventh Grade have been finishing up the unit on pronouns while Sixth Grade has been working on expository writing.  In Social Studies, Eighth Grade is nearing the end...
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Greetings, I hope that 2023 is off to a good start for all of you, and it’s been nice to have everyone back at school following Christmas break.  We’ve been given a new recess schedule if the weather prohibits us from being outside.  We may use the Parish Center on Wednesdays and Fridays.  If the...
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We had a PBIS reflection assembly yesterday afternoon in which we went over positive behaviors that we need to comply with in our classrooms, hallways and at church. It was very nice discussion amongst teachers, students, and administration! These behaviors promote a safe and responsible environment for our students. This Friday our Preschool buddies will...
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I hope everyone had a blessed holiday time together! I went to Florida and helped my mom navigate getting her condo fixed that was damaged in Hurricane Ian. We have spent the last 10 years there for Christmas but we were unable to stay there this year due to roof damage/no running water. It was...
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Season’s Greetings, Thank you all for what has been a productive first half of the school year.  Our students have been busy at work in class and trying to maintain a good balance learning and holiday fun. Upon completing Unit 10 grammar work across all levels, we have been focusing on writing instruction.  Eighth Grade...
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