
Looking Back… *This week was all about the planets and space!  We learned many things about our solar system.  Many of our read-alouds were about the universe.  Our theme fit perfectly with our Religion lesson-God Gives Us Light.  The Storybots helped us to learn lots of cool facts this week, too.  It was hard to...
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This Week…We spent the week getting back into our routines. With the nice weather, we were able to enjoy outdoor recess.  We learned about taking care of God’s Earth as we prepared for Earth Day.  In the classroom, we set up a new recycle container for food wrappers and turned off one of the lights...
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Looking Back… *This week was all about taking care of the Earth…our planet!  We decorated our hall board with beautiful Earth projects.  A heart was added to show how much we love the planet God made for all of us.  Our Bible story this week, God Made Many Things, discussed the creation of the world,...
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This Week…We had a very busy week. We attended Mass and an additional service as we learned about Easter and Jesus being of service to teach his Disciples to be of service to others.  We read stories about Easter and Easter preparation, as well as watched a video about the Last Supper.  We modeled letters,...
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Looking Back… *What a wonderful week we had!  We read many stories about Easter and discussed the different days of the Holy Week.  God Gave Us Easter was our favorite story!  We made a centerpiece for our Easter table and were able to attend the Washing of the Feet service on Thursday.  The first grade...
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What an amazing Lenten Journey we have had in preschool the past few weeks.  We many many trips to the food pantry to drop off our donations, we filled our rice bowl, we attended additional prayer services, we made sure to be kind to others and keep our Lenten promises. As we prepare for our...
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This week…Monday was our last Mail Monday.  As always, the children loved receiving mail, participating in the reading process, and asking questions to other students about their mail.  We completed our science observations by taking nature walks looking for signs of Spring.  (Next week we will use the collected data for math activities.)  The children...
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Looking Back… *Our last week of March was a busy one!  This month, with our ABBB calendar pattern, has flown by way too quickly.  We spent a great deal of time learning about our new season, both in and out of the classroom.  A lot of excitement happened as we searched for signs of new...
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This week…we welcomed Spring.  I gave the children flowers as a sign of spring. It was so exciting, as some of the children made connections to a fall lesson of how seasons change and the movement of the earth. The children went out in small groups to look for signs of spring. We will continue...
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  Looking Back… *Welcoming Spring was our focus this week!  We happily brought our learning back outside and enjoyed the first week of the new season.  Being outside with our buddies was the best outdoor day!  Lots of letters, names and self-portraits can be found around our school campus.  Summer was our first season together...
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