
Violet McCartney
During Religion this week, we really focused on the Introductory Rites of the Mass. We learned what happens during this time. For the next couple of weeks, we will focus much more closely on the first main part of Mass, the Liturgy of the Word.   We continue to classify sentences in Shurley English, while...
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In Religion, we talked about Mass in general. We looked at how we are all united to each other through Jesus. We also spend time on our Second Step program about once a week, which is a social-emotional program. Most recently, we spent time talking about how we treat each other respectfully and kindly with...
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We will be starting with our first main part of Mass next week in Religion. It is called the Liturgy of the Word. We continue our Second Step program, which helps us deal with confidence, conflict-resolution, etc.  In Grammar, we are going back to classifying sentences and learning more about different types of nouns next...
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In Religion, we were so fortunate to be in church every single day this week. We spoke about what Lent is. Also, since we will be attending Stations of the Cross each week, we spoke about what that journey was. Since many seemed sad, we spoke about how, though the journey of our Lord to...
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In Religion, we continued to talk about the Last Supper and its significance to the Mass. This week we also had to say good-bye to our friends from the Center for Independence. We created posters for them and had a parade. One group of students from the Center also performed some friendship songs for us....
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We’ve begun to look at what Mass is. In our preparation for First Holy Communion, we will look quite closely at each step of the Mass, in order. Right now, we talked about how Jesus gave us everlasting life. We also talked about the Last Supper, and its importance as the first Communion. We will...
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This week in Religion, we wrote letters to grandparents about our school. We also wrote to our parents, thanking them for a Catholic education. We also spent one of our Religion classes creating Valentine cards for the elderly living. They were so beautiful, and I know your child’s card will brighten someone’s day next week. ...
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This week in Religion, we focused on getting ready for Catholic Schools Week by thinking about for whom we can and should pray. We also talked about what makes Catholic schools special. The class learned that the church follows a special calendar of its own, with its own seasons.  Within Phonics, we are identifying what...
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This week we finished learning about Confirmation. We will talk about the Church Year, looking at each season, which will lead into our next season, Lent. Next week, we will focus on some special activities in preparation for our celebration of Catholic Schools’ Week. In Phonics, we continue to read and write words with special...
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We’ve had a great start to the new calendar year and second half of 2nd grade.   We discussed Confirmation and how it fully fills us with the gift of the Holy Spirit during Religion. We will finish up with Confirmation next week and move on to the Church Year before turning our focus onto the...
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