
3rd Grade
Hello Third Grade Families, Please remember to let the school office know if your child will have a GRAND FRIEND celebrating GRAND FRIENDS DAY with them on Thursday, September 22nd.  There was a letter sent home with the OLDEST or ONLY child in their WHITE WEDNESDAY envelope.  If you are in need of a new...
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Hello Third Grade Families This week we attended the beginning of the year Mass on Wednesday.  During Mass we sat with our Pre school buddies to help them learn the appropriate way to act in Mass.  We celebrated Kateri Kellihers birthday on the 2nd.  A big thank you to Mr Keeley who came in and...
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Hello Third Grade Families This has been an AMAZING first week of school.  We welcomed three new friends Daniel Peele, Rishawn (Shawn) House and Maximillian Przeradzki to the St. Cletus Cardinal Family.  We celebrated Lilliana Burns 8th birthday on the 25th.  We saw pictures from family summer vacations or fun events and added them to...
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Happy Memorial Day !! If you have any of our hard covered books: Spelling or Social Studies PLEASE return them by Wednesday June 1st If you have any LIBRARY books they are also due back Wednesday June 1st. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NEWS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reading:  We have finished our final story in the reading series “Below Deck: A Titanic Story”...
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REMINDERS:  For the END OF THE YEAR If you have any of our hard covered books: Spelling or Social Studies PLEASE return them by Friday May 27th If you have any LIBRARY books they are also due back Friday May 27th!!!!! Friday May 27th:  ALL Science Fiction Book Reports are DUE.  If your child finishes...
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If your child finishes their Sci Fi Book Report project earlier than the 27th they are encouraged to bring it to school and present. Our class has decided that we will be wearing the color blue for field day on June 2nd.   Please note that our last day of school is June 3rd.  Administration...
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NEWS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Religion:    This week we will attend May Crowing on Monday at 9:30 Mass.  The students will also talk about the fact that Jesus gave the Eucharist at the Last Super.  We will talk about the fact that Mass serves both as a sacrifice and a meal for Catholics.  We will also talk about the...
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PLEASE SEND IN BABY and CLOROX WIPES for classroom use. Please send in GLUE STICKS for your child.    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NEWS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Religion: This week the class will learn about Holy Orders and Matrimony and explore why they are considered  Sacraments of Service to others. Reading: This week the class will be reading the story “Extreme Places” as...
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NEWS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Religion: This week the class will be learning about the ways the Church celebrates the sacraments.  They will learn that the Sacrament of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist are ones of Christian Initiation. The class will also learn that Penance, Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick are Sacrament of Healing. Reading: We will start reading our new story...
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NEWS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Religion:  The class will work on Holy Week activities.  Tuesday the school will attend 8:00am Mass.  Thursday we will attend the Washing of the Feet Prayer Service presented by the First Grade on at 9:30 and Stations of the Cross at 2:30.  Please be sure to join us for one or both if your...
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