
Looking Back… *This week was all about apples.  We counted apples in our five frames during our learning centers.  We tasted apples to decide which were our favorites.  We read lots of books and learned how apples grow.  After reading Ten Apples On Top, we counted apples on all of the Preschool Kiddos’ heads.  That...
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This week, continuing our lesson on Living Things, the students planted seeds. We will monitor and chart the growth over time, and care for our plants. We learned about the letter Cc, circles, and the color yellow. The children continue to show growth in every aspect of their development. They explore the science center with...
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What an exciting first full week of fall this has been!  We began to talk about fiction and nonfiction books this week.  Of course we all enjoyed the fiction leaf books better, but we were able to learn some really interesting facts about leaves!  We focused on the letter “I” and were able to learn...
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This week we begin exploring Living Things and Non-LivingThings, how Living Things change/grow over time, and what Living Things need.  We examined apple seeds, learned about the apple life cycle, and painted with apples.   The students sorted Living Things and Non-Living Things. We also begin learning about the change of seasons, and Fall, which we will continue to explore next week. The...
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Looking Back… *Our week was all about the letter Cc.  The caterpillars we made are hanging out in our classroom.  We learned about how they will become beautiful butterflies.  Clicking castanets was lots of fun with our new Jolly Phonics song.  Aa and Bb were also reviewed every day. *Each day, we continue to find...
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Happy Fall Everyone!  Even with it being a short week, we were able to get so much accomplished!  We learned about the letter “T” and the sound it makes.  Our word list took up two pages!  This week our letter poem was about Thomas the Turtle.  Make sure to ask your child to recite it...
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Looking Back… *What an exciting week in Half-day Preschool.  We attended our first Tuesday Mass with our Buddies.  It was so nice to be together with them in Church again.  We listened to Father Mike talk about God and then we sang Happy Birthday to Father Mike. *Red was the color of the week!  We...
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This was a very busy week for our class.  The highlights include the following: God and our names – We spent the week talking about how much God loves each of them, and how they are unique, starting with their name. We continue to work on recognizing our name and learning the names of our...
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What a jam packed week we have had!  Monday we wore our red, white, and blue for Patriot’s Day.  Tuesday we attended our first weekly all school mass with our buddies.  Wednesday, we were able to enjoy extra play time outside.  Thursday, we visited the library with our 5th grade buddies, and Friday we attended...
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  Looking Back… *Letter “Aa” was our first letter of the week.  We made alligators with circle eyes and triangle teeth.  Jolly Phonics began this week and we sang a song about ants on our arms.  We focused on the sound that the letter “Aa” makes and found lots of things that begin with that...
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