
2nd Grade
We’ve been doing some fun Advent activities in Religion, from creating Nativity scenes to working on a project for the Center of Independence. Next week, we will use the projects created at all grade levels to decorate the Center’s learning area into a Winter Wonderland.  This week, we began our next story in reading, which...
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In Religion this week, we looked very closely at the start of the new Church year, which begins with the Advent Season. We discussed what happens during Advent, which began this past Sunday, and the class thought about what they can each do during this most special time. They have been practicing for the Christmas...
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In Religion class, we looked at the Act of Contrition more closely, breaking it down into the 3 parts. Many of the children already know it, as we say it daily for our dismissal prayer. How are the Ten Commandments coming along? Some know those so well already. Keep practicing both. For the Ten Commandments,...
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This week in Religion, we continued to get ready for Reconciliation by discussing sin is intentional, not accidental. We also listened to 2 wonderful stories from the Bible which spoke to the Sacrament. We heard about the Prodigal Son, looking closely at the Father’s constant love and forgiveness. We also heard about the Shepard looking...
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We are learning so much while preparing for Reconciliation. Our discussions have included talking about a special gift from God called free will. We’ve had a great discussion about what is a sin and how that’s different than an accident. We’ve also talked about the difference between mortal and venial sins. We’ll be preparing for...
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In Religion, we learned about the Great Commandment. We’ve also looked closely at what each of the Ten Commandments means and discussed how the Ten Commandments relate to the Great Commandment. A copy of the Commandments has been sent home. Please start helping your child memorize all ten. They will be tested on the Ten...
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With Reconciliation on November 19th, we began our intensive study to prepare for the Sacrament. This week, we talked about the Bible, how it is God’s Word, and learned about the different parts of the Bible. We will be handing out the Ten Commandments to the class in the coming weeks, and all the children will...
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In Religion, we have started to look closely at the Sacrament of Baptism. We learned how it is the Sacrament in which we become members of the Church. We also discovered what Original Sin is and how Baptism washes away Original Sin. Next week, we will begin looking very closely at Reconciliation, as we prepare...
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This week in religion we finished speaking briefly about each Sacrament. Then we began a closer look at Baptism. Please take some time, if you can, to speak to your child about his/her Baptism. Show some pictures or special cards. Do you still have the baptismal outfit, candle, bib? Show your child these items. It...
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In Religion, we began the chapter that covers Sacraments. We talked about how we praise and worship God in different ways. We begin by briefly defining each Sacrament. Then we will look more in depth at each. Of course, the heaviest concentration will be on the two Sacraments we will receive this year. Please let...
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