
Classroom News
In Religion, we’ve wrapped up our study of the Mass. We’ll be reviewing the Mass, practicing how to receive Communion, and practicing a special song in the two weeks leading up to Communion. Soon, we will begin to practice for our May Crowning Mass. This Mass is on Monday, May 6, at 9:30 AM, and...
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Greetings, Sorry it’s been awhile since I’ve posted an update.  Spring break came and went, and then I had a family matter to tend to for a few days.  I appreciate everyone’s understanding. Our Eighth Grade Springfield Trip was a success!  In fact, Mrs. Schaefer received an e-mail from a woman from Trinity Lutheran in...
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This week…the return from Spring Break was greeted with excitement, as we allowed the eclipse to engulf our day.  The students approached the day with anticipation and  excitement.  They were fully engaged as they observed and questioned various stages of the eclipse throughout the day.  Just as it started, the week ended with excitement. Students...
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Upcoming Events/mark your calendars: Tuesday, April 16: 8am Mass Thursday, April 18: we will see the school play dress rehearsal– High School Musical, Jr.! Looking Ahead/mark your calendars: KINDERGARTEN Mother’s Day Tea: Friday, May 10th from 10:15-11:30. You should have received your official invitation on Friday! KINDERGARTEN CELEBRATION: Wednesday, June 5, 10am.  The celebration will...
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Happy Friday! We had a great week back after Easter break!  We came back with a Lunar Eclipse and closed out the week with our walk-a-thon! Your kids did many “laps” and will sleep well tonight 🙂   Things to ask your children? -Did they have fun at the walk-a-thon? -What is your favorite sign...
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Our first week back from Easter Break was out of this world:)  Although we didn’t view the solar eclipse, we learned all about the sun and the planets.  We read lots of books about the planets and the sun, created solar eclipse hats and counted rocket ships and stars on our ten frames.  Our letter...
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Good morning, parents!Happy April!  I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and break. We have lots going on! Friday, April 12 is the walk-a-thon. First grade will be walking from 1:30-2:00. Each time a child completes a lap, they will receive a bracelet. There is also a chess meet going on here at St. Cletus...
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This week…was filled with much excitement and anticipation for spring break. We collected food for the food pantry,  purchased books at the book fair, made crucifixion models from clay, and, dyed eggs and enjoyed other activities with our 6th grade buddies. School resumes on Monday, April 8th. Have a safe spring break and a happy...
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